Sunday, February 14, 2010

Genital illnesses

Hab 2:15 Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness!
Hab 2:16 Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered: the cup of the LORD'S right hand shall be turned unto thee, and shameful spewing shall be on thy glory.
Pro 5 Verse 3: For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil:
Verse 4: But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two edged sword.
Verse 5: Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.
Verse 6: Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou canst know them.
Verse 8: Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house:
Verse 9: Lest thou give thine honour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel:
Verse 10: Lest strangers be filled with thy wealth; and thy labours be in the house of a stranger;
Verse 11: And thou mourn at the last, when thy flesh and thy body are consumed
(Learn more - the whole King James Bible in 440 subjects FREE on the internet. Go to: If you can not find it go to: first then search the book.)

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